

Internal links in a website helps a visitor to get more information by clicking on the hyperlink and directing the reader to the page he/she is looking for in the same domain or in the same website, the reader will be roaming on your website and it can also reduce the bounce rate of the website. (Picture showing option to insert hyperlink in a page) External links External links are used to connect other external websites to your website, the process of creating  an external link is same as internal link. External helps building authorization of your website and it does not reduce the ranking of your website on the other hand if you put an external link of a trustworthy site it will build up trust of the reader on your website. Broken links Broken links or dead links in a website are the links which gives an error when a user tries to access the link, it happens if the link is expired or if the link no longer exists, it also affects the website in various ways as

What is plagiarism & what is meant by Mobile friendly website?

WHAT IS PLAGIARISM & MOBILE FRIENDLY WEBSITE? What is plagiarism and how it can be controlled in a content and what is Mobile friendly website and does it have any affect on a website ? What is plagiarism in any content and how does it affect the article & blog? First, we need to understand the meaning of plagiarism , in general terms if someone is taking content or part of a content from other person’s work and putting in their article or blog to pretend that its theirs in order to reduce the hard work of researching than it means “Plagiarism” . There are some software’s and tools like prepost SEO , plagiarism checker , Plagiarisma, PlagScan both paid and free which can easily detect the copied content to identify the trustworthiness of a person.   (Picture of prepost SEO software showing the plagiarized content) Plagiarism can directly impact on SERPs because there is very less chance of ranking a plagiarized content so in order to get an organic ranking on a s

What is loadtime and how it can be checked? What is bounce rate?

Loadtime often means when you enter a URL in the search bar and the page of the website takes time to show its content, that is called loadtime of the website, if the time is more then this might increase the chance that the viewer might go back and open any other page because this page is taking long so ultimately it is going to take the viewer out from website and it is not good so this is must that you put the loadtime of your website under control it should not exceed the limit and the standard limit is approximately 8 seconds. (Picture showing time taken by different content in a website and some missing files) There are some tools that you can use to check the loadtime of the website and they will analyze and tell you exactly that which particular content in the website is taking how much time so that you can work on it accordingly, the first tool is GTmetrix which helps in improving your website the second one is Google page speed insight , you can analyze the website an

What is blogging and its importance? explain the benefits of blogging?

Blogging has information like diary-style text entries but a little difference is that the latest post appears first or you can say it is organized in a chronological order . It started in 1994 when people started posting about their personal life and what they are doing or anything on internet and it started a new way of communicate and spreading information online. Blogging is important to share anything over the internet about your views thought or any activity or any important piece of information that you think everybody should know.  The content or the information you post can be very useful for others, you get to know others as you built the rapport socially and if you do business or if you have social media account or channel that you need to boost it can help in improving it constantly. BENEFITS OF BLOGGING When it comes to the benefits of blogging first of all like other social media profiles it helps you in building online identity , people can see your blog and

What is keyword density and keyword frequency and why is keyword stuffing is bad?

Keywords are probably the most important thing in SEO you have to make sure that you are using the correct keywords to rank your website otherwise it doesn’t matter how much effort you have put to create a content it will never rank on SERPs . Before you create a content on a particular topic the first thing that you should do is a ‘keyword research’ to see the keywords on which the searches are maximum and on which you can compete for the rankings, to see and check you can use ‘Google Keyword Planner tool’.                                               Google keyword Planner tool                                    Keyword Density: - In order to simply put it means the percentage of a keyword or a phrase present in the content of a webpage , it also determines that if the webpage is relevant to the required keyword or the keyword phrase . Generally, the required keyword it should be 2% of the whole content.   Keyword frequency: - it is also like the keyword density but th

What is SEO in Digital Marketing? importance of SEO in Digital Marketing and its role.

  1. WHAT IS SEO?            SEO or search engine optimization is a process of taking step to help a website or piece of content rank higher on search engines .                                        SEO stands for search engine optimization , in simplest terms it is a process of practicing and improving the quantity and quality of the targeted traffic to a specific website through organic search engine rankings Using specific keywords and building backlinks . It takes an online content or a piece of information and optimizing it in a way that search engine like google and any other search engine available and show it towards the top of the page when someone searches for an information related to that content.   2. TYPE OF SEO Title: - Types of SEO used in Digital Marketing you need to know to be on top. Description : - which is the best type of SEO ? Which type to use to boost your website to increase traffic ?   1. On-page SEO On-page SEO inclu