What is plagiarism & what is meant by Mobile friendly website?

WHAT IS PLAGIARISM & MOBILE FRIENDLY WEBSITE? What is plagiarism and how it can be controlled in a content and what is Mobile friendly website and does it have any affect on a website ? What is plagiarism in any content and how does it affect the article & blog? First, we need to understand the meaning of plagiarism , in general terms if someone is taking content or part of a content from other person’s work and putting in their article or blog to pretend that its theirs in order to reduce the hard work of researching than it means “Plagiarism” . There are some software’s and tools like prepost SEO , plagiarism checker , Plagiarisma, PlagScan both paid and free which can easily detect the copied content to identify the trustworthiness of a person. (Picture of prepost SEO software showing the plagiarized content) Plagiarism can directly impact on SERPs because there is very less chance of ranking a plagiarized content so in order to get an organic ranking on...