Internal links in a website helps a visitor to get more information by clicking on the hyperlink and directing the reader to the page he/she is looking for in the same domain or in the same website, the reader will be roaming on your website and it can also reduce the bounce rate of the website.

(Picture showing option to insert hyperlink in a page)

External links

External links are used to connect other external websites to your website, the process of creating an external link is same as internal link. External helps building authorization of your website and it does not reduce the ranking of your website on the other hand if you put an external link of a trustworthy site it will build up trust of the reader on your website.

Broken links

Broken links or dead links in a website are the links which gives an error when a user tries to access the link, it happens if the link is expired or if the link no longer exists, it also affects the website in various ways as reader might exit the website because of this which will increase the bounce rate and it might increase the loadtime of the website as well.


Broken links should be removed from the website in order to improve the performance of the website so it becomes a task to do a broken link check. There are few tools to help and does broken link check.


1. Dead link checker

Dead link checker is one of the tools for broken link check, it can scan a single webpage or the whole website to find dead links.

(Picture showing dead link checker scan results)

 2. Xenu's Link Sleuth

Xenu's Link Sleuth is another tool to check the deadlinks you can directly download the tool it is freely available on the internet.

                                                             (scanned result for broken links)

3. Ahrefs Broken link checker

This tool is not freely available but you can use it for 7-day free trial if you like it then you can even purchase the tool.

(scanned results for broken links)


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