What is loadtime and how it can be checked? What is bounce rate?

Loadtime often means when you enter a URL in the search bar and the page of the website takes time to show its content, that is called loadtime of the website, if the time is more then this might increase the chance that the viewer might go back and open any other page because this page is taking long so ultimately it is going to take the viewer out from website and it is not good so this is must that you put the loadtime of your website under control it should not exceed the limit and the standard limit is approximately 8 seconds.

(Picture showing time taken by different content in a website and some missing files)

There are some tools that you can use to check the loadtime of the website and they will analyze and tell you exactly that which particular content in the website is taking how much time so that you can work on it accordingly, the first tool is GTmetrix which helps in improving your website the second one is Google page speed insight, you can analyze the website and fix the issues for an example if the images are too large and can be adjusted in low resolution or if there are some heavy repetitive coding so that you can remove them from the index page.

(Picture from google page speed insight showing time taken by different elements in a website.)


Bounce Rate: -

Bounce rate means the percentage of the viewers who enters a website and leave rather then continuing on the website. It can happen because of the loadtime or because of the site itself, it may be because of the content if it is not informative or if it is not relevant then the bounce rate can increase. Bounce rate can be calculated by dividing the number of sessions in a single page divided by the total page visits on the website. The best way to check the bounce rate is through google analytics, sign in to the google analytics account and then click on the metric bounce rate.

(Above picture showing the bounce rate of a website in google analytics)





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